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Fair Use Policy


Welcome to VidX, a cutting-edge platform specializing in repurposing user-generated content (UGC) videos for e-commerce purposes. Our Fair Use Policy is designed to promote a fair, legal, and ethical environment for all users and clients. By using our services, you agree to adhere to this policy, ensuring respect for the rights of content creators and fellow users.

Order Limitation

In our commitment to providing exceptional service and equal opportunities for all clients, VidX enforces a single order policy. This means that each user is allowed to place only one video order at a time. You may place a subsequent order only after the completion and delivery of your previous order. This approach helps us maintain our high standards of service and manage our resources effectively, ensuring that all clients receive the attention they deserve.

Content Submission and Usage

When submitting content to VidX, users must comply with all relevant copyright laws. You are responsible for ensuring that the content you provide is either your original work or that you have obtained the necessary permissions for its use. VidX reserves the right to review, modify, or reject content that fails to meet legal standards or violates our policy. The content you submit will be exclusively used to create video materials according to your specific request.

Prohibited Content and Conduct

VidX maintains a strict policy against the submission or distribution of illegal, offensive, or intellectual property-infringing content. We expect our users to behave responsibly and respectfully while utilizing our services. Violations of this policy may result in various consequences, including warnings, suspension, or even termination of services.

Compliance with Laws

Users of VidX are required to adhere to all applicable local and international laws and regulations regarding digital content and copyright. VidX is committed to operating within these legal boundaries, ensuring the protection and appropriate usage of digital content.

Amendments and Updates

VidX reserves the right to modify this Fair Use Policy at any time. Significant changes will be communicated to users through appropriate channels to ensure that you are always informed about the guidelines governing our services.

Contact Information and Dispute Resolution

For any questions or disputes related to this Fair Use Policy, please reach out to the VidX support team via We are dedicated to addressing your concerns and resolving any issues in a fair, efficient, and timely manner.