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NestScale X VidX Partnership: Revolutionizing Your E-commerce Success

About NestScale:

NestScale is an integrated software ecosystem that is a transformative force for businesses. From attracting and converting to retaining customers, NestScale elevates your brand’s impact in the competitive e-commerce landscape.

Explore the possibilities at NestScale and embark on an exciting journey toward success. Let’s delve into the offerings and the innovative approach that sets NestScale apart.

NestScale Products & Services:

NestAds: Advanced ad tracking & marketing attribution

NestAds takes the lead as an exceptional ad management and marketing attribution software. It employs sustainable server-side tracking, leveraging first-party data to overcome iOS 14 tracking challenges. Businesses can initiate, monitor, analyze, and scale ad campaigns by seamlessly streamlining ad data across channels. The data-driven approach provides a comprehensive view of the customer journey for optimized experiences.

NestDesk: Ultimate customer relationship management
Centralized customer support with NestDesk, a consolidated hub for messages from Live Chat, Facebook Messenger, and soon WhatsApp. Seamlessly integrating product recommendations and order management, NestDesk enhances satisfaction, driving personalized responses and conversions.
NestSend: All-in-One email marketing automation
NestSend offers a comprehensive solution for creating high-converting campaigns, automation flows, and engaging pop-ups—all within a single space, saving time and effort.
NestWidget: Social Media Aggregator
NestWidget can boost site engagement and drive store sales by integrating shoppable TikTok feeds. Showcase products alongside authentic user-generated content, establishing a strong sense of social proof.

NestScale Affiliate, Bundles, and Variants

Automated e-commerce functions effortlessly manage online storefronts with NestScale’s automatic e-commerce functions. From creating and managing affiliate programs to offering bundles and diversified product options, these tools contribute to efficiency and revenue elevation.

What can you expect during VidX and NestScale partnership activities?

1. Innovate and Expand Your Ad Campaigns
Harness the synergy between VidX’s expertise in authentic recycled UGC videos and NestScale’s ad tracking proficiency to revolutionize and expand your ad campaigns. Implement cutting-edge marketing strategies, ensuring a dynamic and captivating approach to engaging your target audience. Benefit from precise data insights for effective ad measurement, keeping you ahead of industry trends.

2. Cost-effective ad Creation and Management
Experience a seamless collaboration that offers businesses a cost-effective advertising solution. Covering the entire process, from crafting video ad creatives to ad measurement, this partnership ensures efficient advertising without compromising effectiveness. Unlock the potential to scale up your ads and boost sales effortlessly.

3. Exclusive Trial Opportunities
Seize exclusive partnership benefits by availing of a 30-day free trial of the NestAds paid plan. This opportunity allows businesses to explore and evaluate the full spectrum of advertising capabilities this dynamic collaboration offers, empowering them to make informed decisions.

All-in-one SEO booster tools to increase traffic and sales, faster speed.

Turn your customers into your marketers

An effective ad management & marketing attribution software that simplifies your marketing endeavors.

Try VidX

Test and scale ad creatives on any budget

Shopify Offer

Start and sell with Shopify $1/month for 3 months.