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Real-World Examples of Brand Scaling with VidX

Numerous e-commerce brands have successfully harnessed the power of Vidx to achieve significant growth:


Is a mop manufacturer, looking for a way to increase brand awareness and generate leads. They had tried traditional marketing methods, such as print and online advertising, but they were not seeing the results they wanted. They were also concerned about the cost of producing high-quality UGC video ads.

When they learned about VidX’s UGC recycled video ads solution, they were immediately interested. This solution allowed them to create high-quality recycled UGC video ads. This was a much more cost-effective option than producing new video ads from scratch.

Shinemop ran a UGC recycled video ads campaign for six months. The results were impressive:


A scalp care product company, was facing the same challenges as Shinemop. They were looking for a way to increase brand awareness and sales, but they were also concerned about the cost of using UGC creators. Scalphero had tried using traditional video ads, but they found that these ads were not effective. Customers did not trust these ads, and they did not generate many leads or sales. When Scalphero learned about VidX’s UGC recycled video ads solution, they were sceptical at first. They had never used UGC recycled videos before, and they were worried that the quality of the videos would not be good enough.

However, VidX assured Scalphero that their UGC recycled video ads would be high quality. They also explained that UGC videos are more effective than traditional video ads because they are more authentic and relatable to viewers.

Scalphero decided to give VidX’s UGC recycled video ads solution a try. They ran a campaign for three months, and the results were even better than they had hoped for:


Is a general store, looking for a way to increase customer engagement and sales. They had tried traditional marketing methods, such as sales and promotions, but they were not seeing the results they wanted. Maviere had also tried using social media marketing, but they found that it was difficult to reach their target audience. They needed a way to reach their customers directly, and they needed a way to do it without breaking the bank.

When Maviere learned about VidX’s UGC recycled video ads solution, they were intrigued. This solution allowed them to create high-quality video ads that were targeted to their specific customer base.

Maviere ran a UGC recycled video ads campaign for six weeks. The results were remarkable:

These examples demonstrate the effectiveness of VidX in helping e-commerce brands scale their businesses and achieve their marketing goals.

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